Guroopdaesaa noo dhaaran karnaa - Follow the Guru teachings. Dikhaavae govind Sikh nahee banana - Do not act a Sikh outwardly only for show.Īll Sikhs of the Guru are siblings? Panj Kakaar dee rehit drirh kar rukhnee - Follow the discipline of the strictly. To download 52 HUKAMS OF GURU GOBIND SINGH JI IN PUNJABI PDF, click on the Download button Istree da mooh nahee phitkaarnaa - Do not subject your wife to cursing, or verbal Jagat jootth tambaakoo bikhiaa da tiaag karnaa - Discard worldly ways, falsehoods, and poisonous slngh. These edicts sum up the ideal way of life of the Khalsa and serve as a code of conduct for the Khalsa Panth. The 52 Hukams are a set of instruction in Sikhism set by Guru Gobind Singh in Nanded, Maharashtra, India in 1708. Jail Chhithian- By Randhir Singh ji in Punjabi. Documents Similar To 52 Hukams of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. 52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf 52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf These edicts sum up the ideal way of life of the and 52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf as a code of conduct for the Khalsa Panth.